Category Archives: Ovarian Cyst Causes

Progesterone And Its Role In The Body

Progesterone is a hormone naturally produced in the female body from both the ovaries and adrenal glands. As women age, hormone levels tend to decrease, progesterone is one of those hormones. When women reach menopause and are post menopause they need to supplement with progesterone to help prevent those nasty hot flashes and restore the bodies hormone to a more normal level. Progesterone production is high during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and low during the follicular phase as well as being low before puberty […]

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A Quick Info About Ovarian Cysts

What are ovarian cysts? A cyst is a little balloon filled with air or fluid on one of the ovaries, which then exerts pressure on the right or left side of the lower abdomen. These cysts can be painful. Besides the pain in the lower abdomen, some other symptoms are: erratic, painful periods, often with much uterine bleeding as a result of elevated estrogen levels, painful intercourse, heel pain, and excessive hair growth. When the ovarian cyst bursts the pain is relieved, though in some cases the […]

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